SO WE DON'T HAVE TO FIGHT «CHEST TO CHEST» - Breast Cancer & Lifestyle

SO WE DON'T HAVE TO FIGHT «CHEST TO CHEST» - Breast Cancer & Lifestyle

Should you want to protect yourself from  breast cancer disease, save this article. Then, apply to your life what is mentioned. 

by Eleana Papacharalampous  | Wellness and Anti-aging Expert

Scientific research suggests that millions of cases of breast cancer worldwide could have been prevented by changing diet, women's weight, physical activity and smoking. The importance of these factors in the onset of the disease is shown in populations that change their lifestyle when they migrate.
For example, in Japanese women, the incidence of cancer is very low, but when they migrate and change their lifestyle, the frequency with which they develop the disease changes. Of course, diet alone is neither the cause nor the cure for cancer. But if combined with other factors that we can control (sedentary lifestyle, extra weight, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption), it can help reduce the risk of developing the disease by 30-40%.
SOS! Protection measures
Ideal weight - All studies agree on one thing: overweight women, especially those who gained the extra weight after menopause, are much more at risk of breast cancer than women of normal body weight. So extra pounds around the waist should not only bother us because they can be seen through tight trousers, but also because they make us more vulnerable to possible illness. This is because fatty tissue produces a small amount of estrogens that are associated with the development of breast cancer. Therefore, the higher the percentage of fat in the body, especially after menopause, the greater the risk. Want more? Drop the extra pounds as soon as possible, the right way and under the supervision of a specialist, to get rid of the extra fat that nestles around your waist. See how Prolon 5-Day can help. 
LESS Alcohol - Alcohol consumption is clearly associated with the occurrence of the disease. However, the risk increases proportionally with the amount consumed. Women who drink 3-5 drinks a day are one and a half times more likely to develop breast cancer than those who do not drink or drink less. Alcohol is one of the substances where the wise principle of 'moderation' must be applied. And while a glass of wine a day can be good for us, since it relaxes us, warms the heart and floods us with antioxidants, the extra glasses do exactly the opposite: they increase oestrogens, reduce folic acid and thus have an effect, among other things, on breast health. Moreover, as most of you know, alcohol makes us fat, almost like sweets, because when it enters the body it becomes sugar. Women who drink too much therefore usually have extra weight, which, as I have already pointed out, makes them susceptible. In fact, some research data correlate the risk of cancer with alcohol, especially when it is combined with smoking! I am therefore going to continue with the third vascular cancer protection measure.
Quit smoking! - Chronic smoking poisons our breasts! A heavy smoker is two to three times more likely than a non-smoker to get sick. A recent study of French women showed that smoking a pack of cigarettes a day for 9 years increases the risk of breast cancer by 50%. Do not use tobacco in any form!
 Get fit - The benefits of exercise have been proven by a large number of studies. Physical activity is directly related to breast cancer by affecting hormone levels and indirectly by helping with weight management. For effective prevention, the key is frequency. Moderate physical activity is recommended for 30-40 minutes a day, at least five times a week. So remember that the treadmill is not just a hanger. Exercise should be part of our lives, our daily routine, because it makes us feel better (balancing our hormones), makes us look better (firmer and leaner) and protects us from cancer.
No more over cooked foods - If at barbecues your favourite cuts of sirloin are the ones that have been overcooked and look like charcoal, you might want to reconsider. Some research shows that the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heterocyclic amines formed when foods are cooked or smoked (e.g. smoked fish) are toxic substances with possible oncogenic effects.
Carefully select your fats - No one said that our diet should exclude fats. As long as they are the right ones. Say "no" to saturated fat from meat, whole-fat dairy products and sweets and give your approval to olive oil, unsalted nuts and oily fish. It is no coincidence that countries following this diet have extremely low incidence rates of the disease.

Natural guards

Cruciferous vegetables
Broccoli, cauliflower and brussels sprouts are considered by the scientific community to be the most " cancer-proof " of all vegetables. Their content of substances such as sulforaphane, selenium and indole 3C makes them super foods, according to researchers at the United States Department of Agriculture. Why? They affect estrogen and increase the body's ability to detoxify itself from the carcinogens that modern life is bombarding it with. The important thing is to include them in our daily dish, steamed or lightly boiled, so that their valuable substances are not lost.

Carotene, lycopene,cryptoxanthin
You will find these substances in carrots, tomatoes and sweet potatoes. These are protective substances found in very common foods. There is evidence that they reduce the growth of breast cancer cells.
Low ratio Ω6/Ω3
Fatty fish, containing alpha-linolenic acid and lignans, have been the subject of extensive study for years for their potential protective effect against breast cancer. Furthermore, the ratio of Omega 6/ Omega 3 in our everyday nutrition is very important. It is sufficient to be 16/1, since all the studies stress that this ratio corresponds to a reduction in the risk of breast cancer. Among other things, they are found in flaxseed and olive oil.
One of the most talked about groups of nutritional elements, always in relation to breast cancer, is certainly phytoestrogens (cereals, red wine, legumes, fruits, vegetables). This category includes isoflavonoids (in soya), lignans, coumestans (in fruit and vegetables) and stilbenes such as resveratrol in red wine.
By Eleana Papacharalampous | Wellness and Anti-aging Expert

Business Development Consultant on Wellness and Health Project, Wellness influencer , Health Services Manager with a a Master's degree in Health Services Management, with 15 years of experience in the public and private health sector, expert in the creation of Model and Innovative Centers and Protocols for Preventive and Regenerative Medicine. Specialized in European laws and regulations in the field of health , personalized Gerolysis products and Environmental Health Technology. Executive member of the European Society for Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine E.S.S.A.M. since 2015 - Member of the Hellenic Society of Gerontology. 

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